June 14, 2024 9:30am
Address: Lake Grove Presbyterian Church, 4040 Sunset Drive, Lake Oswego, OR US 97035
Contact: Jean BrunsonJean Brunson
The last four Sundays in June and all Sundays in July we will be providing programming for our kinder through fifth grade kids. In June we will be attending the first part of the traditional service and then end our time in the courtyard room with a lesson, an activity and time together. In July we will start our time in the courtyard room with a lesson, an activity and time together and end our time in the modern service.
- When we are in the services, there will be a special kid’s message for them along with a kid’s bulletin.
- Pick up and drop off will be in the Courtyard Room for these summer Sundays.
There will be no kinder through fifth programming provided in August.