Financial giving is a tangible expression of your faith and commitment to our congregation. As we celebrate the past 100 years and Embrace the Future, we continue to have ambitions that need your faithful support.  Your giving is a profound expression of your trust in God and your commitment to sharing the love of Christ through this gathered body.

Please prayerfully consider your giving ahead of Pledge Dedication Sunday on October 27.


our investments

Music Ministry

At Lake Grove, we eagerly experience God through awe-inspiring music. More than 150 adults, children, and youth participate in our ensembles and share their musical gifts with our congregation, our community, and the world. Your support ensures our music ministry continues to be an expression of faith in worship and musical programs throughout the year.


Your giving supports our 3 vibrant worship opportunities at Lake Grove. 8 AM Blended and 9:30 AM Modern services in Fellowship Hall and our 9:30 AM Traditional Service in the Sanctuary. We are also able to reach community and worldwide worshippers through our 9:30 AM Traditional livestream.

Congregational Care

The love we experience through Christ flows through one another. Our Care Ministry provides meaningful support and caring relationships among our congregation. Your giving ensures our care teams can walk alongside our congregation through the joy and pain of life experiences and grow alongside one another in Christ.


Your pledge supports increased efforts to provide Food, Water, and Shelter to people groups in our church, community, region, nation, and world with the gospel of Jesus Christ in a culturally sensitive way.


Preschool, Children, Youth, and Adult Discipleship programs at Lake Grove are vital to the spiritual growth of our congregation. Your generous giving supports that growth now and into our next 100 years of ministry!


Your dedicated staff members have not received raises in three years. Meeting our budget goal will ensure we can provide market-rate pay increases.


Your giving will support much-needed maintenance for your church building, including HVAC systems and roof repairs.

Stewardship at Lake Grove

What Does Stewardship Look Like?

Our 2025 giving target is $2.8 million. Since 2018, inflation has been 25%. Our 2025 giving target is 7% less than 2020’s inflation-adjusted giving. 

While our average pledge has increased, we are below inflation-adjusted levels. Also, fewer individuals and families are making annual pledges. Pledging is important as it helps us plan and finalize our budget. We are also sharing a breakdown of the range of pledges we receive. 

As we build our vision of the future, we need your continued support. Your Finance Team and Session have prepared a preliminary budget that will meet the expenses of our ministry efforts and planning for the arrival of new pastoral leadership. The Stewardship Team is also challenging us to step up more significantly to dream some bigger dreams about our life together in 2025.

We invite you to join church leadership in prayerfully considering how God is inviting you to participate in the ministry and mission of your church and how you might respond generously to the request for financial support.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Stewardship justified biblically?

We give because all that we have—time, money, talents—comes from God. Scripture teaches us that one way we thank God is by returning a generous portion of those gifts back to him.  When you give, it enables us to do the work of partnering with Christ who transforms the world one life at a time. 

“God loves a cheerful giver…he takes no delight in a gift given out of guilt or pressure. God wants giving that comes from a heart of gladness and gratitude”. 

~2 Corinthians

How will my giving efforts benefit the church?

Music, Missions, Discipleship, and Congregational Care Ministry programs need meaningful support to continue to thrive and grow into the next 100 years, serving our congregation, our community, and our world.

 Our staff has not had raises in three years, during a time of increased inflation. Your giving enables these increases.

What ways can I give?

There are 4 easy ways to Pledge:

  • Return your pledge card to the church office at anytime
  • Place your pledge card in the offering plate on Pledge Dedication Sunday
  • Mail your pledge card to the church
  • Submit your pledge via our online Pledge Card form