Our 2025 giving target is $2.8 million. Since 2018, inflation has been 25%. Our 2025 giving target is 7% less than 2020’s inflation-adjusted giving.
While our average pledge has increased, we are below inflation-adjusted levels. Also, fewer individuals and families are making annual pledges. Pledging is important as it helps us plan and finalize our budget. We are also sharing a breakdown of the range of pledges we receive.
As we build our vision of the future, we need your continued support. Your Finance Team and Session have prepared a preliminary budget that will meet the expenses of our ministry efforts and planning for the arrival of new pastoral leadership. The Stewardship Team is also challenging us to step up more significantly to dream some bigger dreams about our life together in 2025.
We invite you to join church leadership in prayerfully considering how God is inviting you to participate in the ministry and mission of your church and how you might respond generously to the request for financial support.