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Noah’s Ark was founded in 1997 by a group of parents who were looking for a quality Christian program for their young children. Noah’s Ark is designed to help each child grow within an atmosphere that nurtures positive self-image and social skills in a loving, Christian environment. We offer classes for children ages 2-6, each with age-appropriate hands-on activities. Each year we build on the skills and learning experiences from the previous years at Noah’s Ark. Upon completion of Noah’s Ark Preschool, your child will leave with positive feelings about themself and confidence in their learning, ready and eager to enter elementary school.

What to Expect


Noah’s Ark Preschool offers school year classes for children ages two to five years from September to May/June. Please click on the class names below to view information regarding each of our classrooms and programs offered at Noah’s Ark Preschool.


Must be age 2 by September 1 Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30 am to 12:00 noon Our Junior Twos Class encourages new friendships in a loving, nurturing environment. It is a wonderful way to ease your younger preschoolers into a group setting and prepare them for the 3-year-old class the following fall. Our program includes art, story time, music and movement, finger plays, sensory activities, and plenty of play!


Must be age 3 by September 1 Days: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 9:00 am to 12:30 pm Our Junior Threes Class offers lots of hands-on exploration. Our learning centers include a library, listening station, writing center, alphabet and number activities, sensory table, science, and small group activities. Other centers include blocks, dramatics, art projects, easel, and play dough. We also enjoy cooking, circle time, stories, color and shape activities, finger plays, music and movement exercises, and physical activities.


Must be age 4 by September 1 Days: Mondays through Thursdays 9:00 am to 12:30 pm Our Pre-K Class features academic activities such as calendars, journals, letters and sounds, math, and science. Our morning also includes art, music, Bible stories and memory verses, story times, gross motor activities, and role-playing. Science and special class events are also a part of our curriculum.


Our Kinder Prep Class was created for children whose parents and Pre-K teachers agree that an extra year before kindergarten is beneficial for building confidence and establishing a stronger early education foundation. The Kinder Prep offers more structured instruction with a combined focus on goals and indicators as listed by Oregon’s Early Learning and Kindergarten Guidelines.


Noah’s Ark offers an after-school enrichment program Monday through Friday from 12:30—2:30. Covenant Kids is an exciting and engaging extension of our preschool day for our students ages three and older.


Noah’s Ark offers a multi-age camp program during the summer for children who have turned three (must be toilet-trained). Camps are offered 4 days a week (Monday-Thursday) from 9:30 to 1:00. You may register your child for as many weeks according to teacher/camper capacity and availability. Each week has a different theme and includes arts and crafts, outdoor play, and gym time.

Our staff
