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Prayer and Care

At Lake Grove, we are committed to supporting one another through prayer, care, and service. Rooted in the truth of God’s Word, our Prayer and Care ministries reflect our mission of hospitality, where the love and welcome of Jesus guide everything we do.

Our dedicated Prayer and Care Teams compassionately engage with those in need, offering heartfelt prayer, personal visits, and ongoing support. Whether it’s practical help like transportation, meal deliveries, and medical supplies, or ministries such as Stephen Ministry and the Deacon’s Pantry, we seek to embody Christ’s love in meaningful and tangible ways. Browse our Prayer and Care page to learn more, offer your support, or request care as we live out our faith together.

Tuesday Morning Prayer

Join us as we gather together for a time of guided prayer, led by Pastor Susan Graham, every Tuesday at 8:45 am. You can join us by dialing 669-900-6833 and entering the participant ID number, 571 705 301#. Or click (HERE) to join from your computer or tablet.

Friendship Visitation

For our LGPC members who are homebound and no longer able to make it to church, Friendship visitation can be a connecting link of friendship and God’s love. By making regular visits once or twice a month, we make a difference in someone's life, and enrich your own, as a member of the Friendship Visitation ministry. We meet once a month to share updates, encouragement, and ideas for ministry. Please reach out to Dave Anduri and Lisa Okada at , if you would like to join the Friendship Visitation Team or have any questions.

Home Communion

We have many homebound church members who enjoy receiving Offsite Communion. If you have ever been ordained as an elder or deacon, and are willing to visit a homehound church member on the first Sunday of the month, you can be a blessing in the life of a Lake Grove member or friend who is unable to attend worship. Please reach out to Linda Hoard and Sally Hicks at with any questions.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is a one on one caring ministry with a mission to provide high quality, confidential, and Christ centered care to individuals. We come alongside people who are hurting and meet weekly in a structured, distinctively Christian relationship. If you, or someone you know, could benefit from a Stephen Minister, please reach out to Pastor Susan at .

Care Card Ministry

This team sends cards to celebrate and honor significant occasions and extend care when members are experiencing hardship.
